Grandmama Mama’s Baby Food Presents The Legend of 9/11

Hollywood. It can’t come up with original ideas and feeds off the money of the pandered public. Watch as a film falls apart while a greedy executive tries desperately to squeeze every coin out of the tragic events of 9/11. A wonderful satire penned by Mason Arsenault, Grandmama Mama’s Baby Food Presents the Legend of 9/11, this show will not let up on the jokes, have your sides hurting, and mind tingling after experiencing this staged reading on September 11th 2024.

Written by Mason Arsenault
Directed by Jesse Thibert
Costume Designs by Kiera Gemsa
Sound Design by Nic Sherman
Starring: Lena Thibert, Jordyn Nixon, Trevor Loman, Mason Arsenault, and Jesse Thibert


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Musical Theatre Cabaret

Join us for an evening of music and wonder! This October 2024 enjoy a night of musical theatre delights to serenade the ear. Appreciate the wonderful talent that Lethbridge has to offer, including a sneak peak at Nic Sherman’s new upcoming musical. Relish in a mix of musical classics alongside some niche pieces for the passionate enthusiasts.

Written by Nic Sherman
Directed by Nic Sherman and Alex Dodd
Designed by 
Stage Manger:
Music Director:
Starring: Could Be You!
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Pants is an absurd comedy that follows the journey of a gay man learning to accept his sexuality. While shopping for pants to wear to his upcoming first day with a guy, the man is surprised that the perfect pair of pants have become impossible to remove. Worse for him, the pants can talk… and are very homophobic. Pants is a ridiculous play full of laughs, puppets, big twists, and turns that might leave you confused, but more than entertained.

Director: Logan Hockley
Stage Manager: Brooke Jenkins
Set Designer: Ahona Sanyal
Lighting Designer: Gen Matsuzaka
Costume Designer: Reese Cox
Puppet Designer: Autumn Adrian
Intimacy Director: Kade Carter
Actors: Brice Popielarz. Achilles Friesen, Nor Trinh, Reign Dyer, Griffin Evans, & Caiden Cline


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I Hear Abel Singin’ in the Field

When two brothers come to odds and end in the middle of a prairie field, the blood boils and he who has sinned first throws the stone. A love story to Still Stands the House meets Cain and Abel with a dash of The Tell Tale Heart, Jess Syratt has captured a raw and dynamic chasm of poetry and is released it with Experience Theatre in April 21-24 2024.

Content Warning *Violence, Suicidal Ideations, Prop Gun/Gunshot

Written by Jess Syratt
Directed by Carson Rafuse
Designed by Autumn Adrian (Costumes), Jesse Thibert (Set), Xavier Michaud (Lights), Jess Syratt (Sound)
Stage Manger: Jackson Paquette
Music Director: Jess Syratt
Choir: Jess Syratt, Cait Syratt
Starring: Aiden Boon, Logan Hockley, and Jesse Thibert